Get Kubernetes kubeconfig for your clusters in CICD using qbconf

Get Kubernetes kubeconfig for your clusters in CICD using qbconf

Boost your CICD with qbconf, a razor-fast and small-footprint CLI tool to generate kubeconfig for your Kubernetes clusters with build-in authentication to cloud providers


When applications need to get deployed to Kubernetes, the time your CICD takes to do so will determine your “time to market.” Keeping this value low has, of course, a positive impact on your business.

At #Raftech we understand these factors, which is why we have developed qbconf, which allows us to seamlessly integrate generating kubeconfig in our pipelines and terminals.

The key features of recently published v1.0.0 are:

  • Works with AWS natively
  • Works with GitHub Actions OIDC
  • Has minimal footprint

These features allow you to integrate the toolkit into your existing pipelines and, at the same time, reduce the need to have a full-blown AWS CLI to generate kubeconfig.

Installing the CLI

For most of the engineers the best method to install it would be via brew

brew tap  RaftechNL/toolbox
brew install raftechnl/toolbox/qbconf

If however, you would like to install it on your system by downloading it then the following shell script will help


    # Fetch the latest release version from Github API
    VERSION=$(curl --silent "" | grep '"tag_name":' | sed -E 's/.*"([^"]+)".*/\1/')

    # Set the URL of the tarball for the latest release

    # Download and install the latest release
    curl -L ${URL} | tar xz
    chmod +x qbconf
    sudo mv qbconf /usr/local/bin/

And since we are container friendly, we have bundles of tools available for you. Check our page describing the bundles at and head to our ECR public gallery to grab the image you need

Using the CLI

The design of the commands allows us to use the tool in a very intuitive manner.

There are three base modes of operating ( at the moment of writing this article )

Generate using existing AWS credentials

## generates kubeconfig for aws eks cluster by using provided credentials
qbconf generate aws --cluster-name XXX --region us-east-1 

Generate using AWS credentials by assuming an IAM role

## generates kubeconfig for aws eks cluster by assuming given role ( uses provided credentials )
qbconf generate aws --cluster-name XXX --region us-east-1 --with-assume-role --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::12334556:role/AWSMagicRole"

Generate using GitHub Actions OIDC provider

## generates kubeconfig for aws eks cluster by assuming given role ( uses oidc credentials )
qbconf generate aws --cluster-name XXX --region us-east-1 --with-gha-oidc --role-arn "arn:aws:iam::12334556:role/AWSMagicRole"


In our use cases, we have noticed an increase in delivery speed for our deployments, along with the ability to reduce our containers’ image size when not needing to run the full AWS CLI to generate kubeconfig.

We extend big thanks to everyone who provided us with the first rounds of feedback, which allowed mature production stable release!

If you would like to contribute to extending configurations to other cloud providers, you can find the CLI repo in our Github organization

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